Official Manuals

The official Falcon BMS manuals are more detailed and complete than most flight simulator manuals. Players are expected to read these manuals in depth as a starting point for answering most questions.

The manuals are location in the Docs\ folder within the Falcon BMS golder.

User Manual and Technical Manual

The following manuals cover the simulator software’s options and configuration:

These contain answers for questions related to:


The COMMS-NAV-BOOK manual is a critical read. It explains how to communicate with ATC and AI, which is critically important to completing missions.

Docs\00 BMS Manuals\BMS-Comms-Nav-Book.pdf

F-16 Manuals

The following manuals contain critical information on operating the F-16:

Docs\02 Aircraft Manuals & Checklists\01 F-16\TO 1F-16CMAM-1 BMS.pdf - “Dash-1” general manual

Docs\02 Aircraft Manuals & Checklists\01 F-16\TO 1F-16CMAM-34-1-1 BMS.pdf - Avionics and weapons manual

Docs\00 BMS Manuals\BMS-Training-Manual.pdf - guide to the included tutorials for the F-16

F-15 Manuals

The following manuals contain critical information on operating the F-15:

Docs\02 Aircraft Manuals & Checklists\02 F-15C\TO 1F-15C-1 BMS.pdf - “Dash-1” general manual

Docs\02 Aircraft Manuals & Checklists\02 F-15C\TO 1F-15C-34-1-1 BMS.pdf - Avionics and weapons manual

Tactical Frequency Podcast

The Tactical Frequency Podcast is made for introducing new players to Falcon BMS and guiding them on their learning journey. All episodes are available here. Start from Episode 1.

Community Links

Official Forums

Falcon Lounge - The largest BMS Discord community